Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Beginning

Well, 2014 is gone.  It wasn't a terrible year.  Had a good family vacation. Kinda reconnected with my family as a result, which has been great.  Unfortunately my health has continued to deteriorate.  I actually managed to stop gaining weight around September, but haven't really managed to lose any significant amount since then.  The aches and pains continue.  My right hip is particularly concerning now.  Tying shoes and getting into a vehicle are particularly painful.

So here is January 1, 2015.  New Years Day.  The traditional start of many weight loss plans.  Followed shortly by January 2, the traditional end of most of those plans.  It's to the point that I hate to even say I'm going to lose weight.  Resolutions are a joke to most people, and those who know me have heard the promises many times before.  Regardless, I will.  I will try again.

The folks in my part time job are doing a 2 month long percentage of body weight loss challenge.  I really want to win it.  I want to prove to myself and them that I can do this, that I'm serious.

So other than the obvious weight loss, what are my goals for 2015?

First of all, I'm ready to shed some stress.  I am so tired of being wound up and on edge all the time.  My temper is short and I've been unpleasant to be around I'm sure.  So I plan to settle some lingering issues once and for all, regardless of which way they turn out, just to be rid of them from my thoughts and worries will be worth it.  Knowing my family is there and behind me no matter what is a big help in that.

That brings me to my next goal - spending more time with people who make me happy. Self explanatory, no further explanation necessary.

As for the rest of my goals, they're just mundane stuff, spend more time outdoors, be a better person, etc.  Normal fare for resolutions.

So back to the big one, the one that so much is tied to: happiness, health, relationships, even fortune.  You'd think with so much on the line it would be easy to stay motivated, yet here I am, 438 pounds.  But maybe this time will be the charm, maybe this resolution will stick.  I guess we'll see.