Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Under the weather . . .

A great way to put a damper on any good exercise plan is to catch a good head cold.

I've felt bad for about 3 days now, including 2 terrible long sleepless nights.  I was dragging so bad last night at the part time job that I ventured down to the coffee shop, where they make some of the best java related concoctions I've ever had.  I had a frozen turtle.  At this point we are not going to talk about just how bad for me this is. I'm aware that it is a sugary confection that is in no way, shape, or form to be considered healthy.  Nevertheless, I was feeling rather terrible, extremely tired, and needed to take drastic measures to keep my head up for the remaining hours of work.

Did I mention that the frozen turtle had 4 shots of expresso?

In case I didn't, let me inform you that the frozen turtle does indeed have 4 shots of expresso.  I had no problem staying awake for the rest of work, and about 1:30am when I was once again in bed and unable to sleep, at least this time it wasn't due to sinus drainage.  So, to counteract the overdose of caffeine I took some tylenol pm.  I slept through 3 alarms this morning and was 30 minutes late for work.

Yes, I have 3 alarms.  I use a traditional alarm clock set to a radio station.  It brings me out of sleep, but not quite awake, depending on the music playing I think.  It's set to one of those funny morning radio shows so I have actually woken up laughing in the past, which is weird.

In addition to the radio, I use my iPad as my bedside alarm clock and it beeps insistently at me, but I have mastered the snooze button on it, so the last half hour of morning sleep comes in 10 minute increments.  Then lastly I use my iPhone as my hard point, must get up right now, alarm.

I know its ridiculous, I know that the last half hour of sleep isn't doing me any good, and I know I should break this habit.  Hey, nothing like starting off the day with a little procrastination.  Just one more bad habit on my list to overcome.

Anyway, back to my cold.  I remember when I was on my weight loss trip before, nothing could keep me from my workouts.  I ran in sickness and in health.  I ran in the rain, snow, ice, heat, wind.  I truly wish I could find that motivation again. Not a day goes by that I don't plan out how the next morning is going to go, and without fail I hit that snooze button every time, reveling in those last few glorious moments of sleep. So, needless to say, having a cold and feeling "under the weather" just gives me that much more license to be lazy. Its almost like I'm glad for the extra excuse so I don't have to feel so bad when I don't go walk because I got up too late.

Man, that is sad.

Hopefully I'll get some good sleep tonight and can get back to making plans for a glorious start to my new fitness regime in the morning.

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